At the end of the year in which an RRSP holder turns 71, they must convert the RRSP to continue its tax deferral or take the RRSP in cash and face the tax consequences.
This course describes and weighs the options available to both the locked-in plan holder and those whose RRSPs are not locked-in. It provides:
- Commonly-asked questions with the answers clients need to know.
- Ten important RRIF questions for the client that will help to indicate whether the RRIF is the best choice.
- Factors that point to RRIFs as a better maturity option than annuities.
- A list of financial situations that help the client make the best choice given his or her particular circumstances.
Taxation of plans is also covered in detail.
This comprehensive review of maturity options will prove helpful for clients who are beginning to contemplate the maturity of their RRSPs as well as those who are at the point of making decisions.
No. of Pages: 34 pages
BC CE Credits: 4 hours
AB CE Credits: 3 hours Life
SK CE Credits: 4 hours
MB CE Credits: 4 hours ***
ON CE Credits: 4 hours
CFP®: 4
*** Entry of CE for the same course more than once may be permitted on an exception basis only. If an agent wishes to claim credit for a course more than once, the agent must contact Council for prior approval and provide written reasons. This review is subject to the individual course review fee of $50.