CE Courses

Segregated Funds


This course provides a comprehensive review of all the details the agent/advisor must know when selling this sophisticated investment product.

This course includes a discussion of similarities with mutual funds, the exclusive features of seg funds, how value is determined, fees and charges, the favourable tax treatment of seg funds, and who are the best customers.

Format: Online

No. of Pages: 40 pages

BC CE Credits: 6 hours

AB CE Credits: 4 hours Life

SK CE Credits: 6 hours

MB CE Credits: 5 hours ***

ON CE Credits: 6 hours

CFP®: 6

*** Entry of CE for the same course more than once may be permitted on an exception basis only. If an agent wishes to claim credit for a course more than once, the agent must contact Council for prior approval and provide written reasons. This review is subject to the individual course review fee of $50.